How did I get interested in going to Japan?


The thought of studying Japanese was a sudden thought of mine. Me and my family were working in the fields. At the same time, Baini brought up Japan. I found out that Japan is very good for work and living. After that I was curious to know more and I asked Baini what else is going on in Japan. I was surprised to hear that he can get iphone cheap. After that, I also joined the Japanese class from the next day, saying that I will go to Japan after learning Japanese language.

The teacher explained the basics of Japanese language. I was surprised to hear that there are three languages ​​written in the Japanese language. Hiragana, katakana and kanji have to be read so much. Both speaking and writing were difficult, but after some time of hard work, I was able to write and speak hiragana and katakana. Then started reading vocabularies. Vocabulary reading was also very hard and all the words had to be recited.

I am still learning the language continuously. Now I have barely reached lesson 9. But the Japanese language is very difficult for those who consider themselves lazy to read. The COE is yet to come and I have to study the language again after going to Japan. I wish all the students who are learning Japanese language to study hard then go to Japan.

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